
NLQ - Niedersächsisches Landesinstitut für schulische Qualitätsentwicklung

Name of the Organization
NLQ - Niedersächsisches Landesinstitut für schulische Qualitätsentwicklung

Richthofenstraße 29
31137 Hildesheim

+49 5121 1695289
+49 5121 1695296
Description of the Organization

The Institution is responsible for all matters of teachers education and qualification, for school development and evaluation and for the education internet sever. The topic of intercutural education include also global learning and international schoolpartnerships, special with countries in the south.

RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg

Name of the Organization
RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg
Globales Lernen

Zum Jagenstein 1
14478 Potsdam

+49 331 74780-31
Description of the Organization

RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg - is a non-profit organization based in Potsdam. We manage six "Regionale Büros für Integration und Toleranz" (BIT) (regional offices for integration and open-mindedness) and four other offices as well as regional and local projects. In 2004, we established "Globales Lernen/Entwicklungszusammenarbeit" (global learning and cooperation for development). For us, global learning is about raising awareness of the world as a whole, of interrelations between North and South, and about relating our everyday life to the lives of people in developing countries. RAA is involved in an enormous variety of development-policy projects. We offer working groups, workshops, and training for teaching staff, and support schools in organizing workshops for students. Long-term projects include supporting school partnerships between schools in Brandenburg and schools in Senegal, Zanzibar/Tanzania and Angola, as well as smaller-scale initiatives. "Begegnungen mit Sansibar" (meeting Zanzibar) is a project that combines education and cooperation for development. Since 1992, more than 160 adolescents and teachers have been given the chance to gain deep insights into another culture and to help promote interactions between Germany and Tanzania, and more will follow. The project in Zanzibar encourages participants to closely examine both the foreign culture and their own. It includes such diverse activities as the building of classrooms, theater projects, thematic research, workshops, seminars and continuous education for teachers. In Germany, the results of this work are available as educational materials, thus enabling our partners from Tanzania to present their life and their views in Brandenburg. In addition, RAA is in charge of organizing and holding the "Brandenburger entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Informationstage" (Brandenburg educational and informational days on development aid) as well as the education program of the 'Berlin Import Shop' fair.

SODI - solidarity service international registered association

Name of the Organization
SODI - solidarity service international registered association
Education / Global Learning

Am Sudhaus 2
12053 Berlin

+49 30 9209093-18
Description of the Organization

The solidarity service international (Solidaritätsdienst International e. V.) is independent, party politics and ideological open. SODI stands up for a united, fair and peaceful world in which the natural resources are preserved.

In fair cooperation with women's organizations and trade union organizations, with municipal initiatives, church facilities and cooperatives SODI realizes for over 25 years of self-help projects in countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as East Europe and Southeast Europe.

An important component of the work in Germany is work of information and educational work on developing-political subjects. SODI is specialized in multimedia projects which sensitize above all young people, inform and motivate to exert themselves for a fair and sustainable world. From social transformation to global justice, lastingness and future ability is for SODI, on this occasion, a big concern. SODI takes part with an active engagement in civil-social networks and campaigns. SODI is recommended by the senate management for education, youth and science as a supplier of the global learning.

Light for the world

Name of the Organization
Light for the world

Niederhofstraße 26
1120 Wien

+43 1 8101300
Description of the Organization

Light for the world is an international organization that focuses on development projects for blind persons and persons with disabilities in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Southeastern Europe. Light for the world works together with local partners, eye health clinics and disabled peoples organizations.

Bund für Soziale Verteidigung

Name of the Organization
Bund für Soziale Verteidigung

Schwarzer Weg 8
32423 Minden

+49 571 29456
Description of the Organization

The Federation for Social Defence (German: Bund für Soziale Verteidigung, BSV) is an independent, non-governmental organisation based in Minden, Germany, that unites people and organisations of pacifist and antimilitarist conviction. The BSV was founded in 1989 as an umbrella organisation to promote social defence and other alternatives to the military, and to work for total disarmament. Its creation was the result of a big conference on social or civilian-based defence held in Minden, Germany, a year earlier. Currently, we actively support civil rights groups in Belarus and Ukraine, are engaged in advocacy work to promote the concept of Unarmed Civilian Peacekeeping (UCP), and seek to counter the militarization of youth in (German) schools through peace education.

Anne Frank centre

Name of the Organization
Anne Frank centre

Rosenthaler Straße 39
10178 Berlin

+49 30 2888656-00
Description of the Organization

The Anne Frank centre in Berlin is a partner organisation of the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. Its main focus is to promote across Germany the memory of Anne Frank and her famous diary. The activities of the Anne Frank Zentrum seek to strengthen the values of freedom, equality and democracy and combat Antisemitism, racism and discrimination. The Anne Frank Zentrum displays the exhibition »Anne Frank. here & now« in Berlin and coordinates travelling exhibition projects throughout Germany. It develops proposals that serve to explore the causes and consequences of the Holocaust and it also offers special one-day events, seminars and opportunities for continuing education. The pedagogical programs developed by the Zentrum are especially aimed at young people, who are encouraged to become more active citizens, more aware of their societal responsibilities and also to learn to make the most of their freedom to participate in society.


Name of the Organization

Deichreihe 29
25489 Haseldorf

+49 4129 607
Description of the Organization

The Pantheater Hamburg e. V. is a group of professional actors who perform their own plays for children, adolescents and adults all over Germany. These plays are related to development policy in our One World. The group acts in schools, cultural centres, theatres and congregations, but also at public events, such as the Church Congress, meetings on the national level, conferences, congresses, fairs, as well as at events and project weeks in the context of global learning, development policy and environmental policy.

Bookable Event: Explorations in the One World

"Explorations in the One World" are multimedia and scenic travel narratives intended to provide information and encourage commitment to various subjects in an entertaining way. The explorations in Chile, Mexico, India, South Africa, Tanzania, Cuba, Colombia, Brazil and Ghana deal with the struggle for democracy and social justice, fair trade, the situation of street children, racism, the privatisation of drinking water and solar power. They also deal with dignity, identity and much more.

This event includes the performance of an act and a subsequent dialogue with the audience. Moreover, the actors offer to participate in follow-up workshops.

HochVier - Society for political and cultural education

Name of the Organization
HochVier - Society for political and cultural education

Schulstraße 9
14482 Potsdam

+49 331 5813210
Description of the Organization

In our charitable organisation, experts on educational matters and coaches from the Brandenburg and Berlin area are working on the following topics:

  • adult and youth education in politics (development policy, ecology, development of democracy, civic participation, questions concerning human rights, migration, etc.)
  • intercultural communication
  • mediation and conflict management, mediation training and parental training
  • organisation counselling
  • anti-discrimination training
  • study travels focusing on political and cultural matters and related to natural history in (Eastern) Germany and Eastern Europe

In terms of language and culture, we have gathered experiences and established contacts particularly with (Southeastern) Europe, Turkey, the Arab States, Israel, Latin America and Africa.

Werkstatt Solidarische Welt

Name of the Organization
Werkstatt Solidarische Welt

Weiße Gasse 3
86150 Augsburg

+49 821 37261
Description of the Organization

The workshop “Solidarische Welt e. V.” (founded in 1980) wants to offer possibilities together with the world store in Augsburg for united action beyond borders. This includes educational work, fair trade, the work for a humane asylum and the support of single projects abroad. We work independently, of benefit to the public and regardless of political parties. Our work is performed in an honourary capacity and full-time. We offer regular series of events: Asia days, African weeks, fair week and peace actions. Moreover, single events, an educational material place, a public library and a north south-info archive. We publish north south information for teachers regularly.