

Name of the Organization

Ermannstraße 17
54516 Wittlich

+49 15773106325
Description of the Organization

SUNI is a multinational association that is active in Germany and Namibia. SUNI supports educational institutions in Omaheke/Namibia and aims to improve the teaching and living conditions of disadvantaged children and young people. The focus is on the 4th goal (quality education) of the SDGs. SUNI promotes intercultural exchange between people in Germany and Namibia, especially in the field of education, e.g. German-Namibian exchange project for educators.

ICYE - International Cultural Youth Exchange Finland

Name of the Organization
ICYE - International Cultural Youth Exchange Finland

Oikokatu 3
00170 Helsinki

+358 50 452 5660
Description of the Organization

Maailmanvaihto – ICYE Finland is a non profit voluntary service organisation that organises and co-ordinates long-term (6-12 months) voluntary service programmes with partners in more than 40 countries all over the world. Our programmes are reciprocal: besides organising opportunities for Finnish young people to join voluntary service programmes abroad, we receive foreign volunteers in our programme in Finland.  Maailmanvaihto ry – ICYE Finland  sends and receives 30-40 young people each year. Maailmanvaihto is a member of the ICYE (International Cultural Youth Exchange) International Federation. ICYE is one of the oldest youth exchange organisations in the world. ICYE Finland was founded in 1958.

Themes of the organization

W3_ Workshop for International Culture and Politics

Name of the Organization
W3_ Workshop for International Culture and Politics

Nernstweg 32-34
22765 Hamburg

+49 40 39033-65
Description of the Organization

The W3_ is an educational and cultural center around global justice. It offers a platform for encounters and exchange and, with its diverse program of events, encourages critical questioning of social conditions. It invites to inspiration, to experience, to reflection and to common action for a global and local justice.

With lectures, workshops, conferences, symposia, readings, performances as well as film screenings and actions, W3_ establishes the connection between local politics and global developments in series of events, projects as well as individual and cooperative events and motivates people to get involved. With dialogue-oriented/participative formats such as performances and actions in public space, spontaneous interactions with residents of the district are realized, which actively call for participation.

It is important to W3_ to focus on less present voices and alternative perspectives, to make them audible and visible, and to think and link local and global dimensions together. The goal is always to make people think, to provide inspiration and ideas for their own everyday lives, and to show options for action.

JRS Romania - Asociatia Serviciul Iezuitilor pentru Refugiati in Romania

Name of the Organization
JRS Romania - Asociatia Serviciul Iezuitilor pentru Refugiati in Romania

Strada Maior Opriș Ilie 54
041378 Bucharest

+40 31 10214 23
Description of the Organization

For over 14 years, our mission is to accompany refugees, to provide services and to advocate for their cause. We provide holistic (social and legal assistance, education, cultural and educational activities, financial support and accomodation, advocacy and lobbying, research, studies and surveys, training and seminars, awareness campaigns and information) through various types of projects that we develop (11 projects in 2013).

We assist all categories of refugees and migrants (people with a form of protection in Romania, relocated people, asylum seekers, people in detention, refugees marginalized, tolerated, migrants coming to work or study and others). We are present in all centers opened in country as well as in detention centers (8 centers in total).

JRS Romania has a night shelter in Bucharest named “Pedro Arrupe Center” and also a Multifunctional and Cultural Center named “MyPlace”.

Over 1.500 refugees have been assisted in areas such as association and economic exclusion, detention, integration and acceptance conditions. About 20 specialists work constantly in order to accomplish our mission, supported by many enthusiastic volunteers of all ages and in all fields.