
Light for the world

Name of the Organization
Light for the world

Niederhofstraße 26
1120 Wien

+43 1 8101300
Description of the Organization

Light for the world is an international organization that focuses on development projects for blind persons and persons with disabilities in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Southeastern Europe. Light for the world works together with local partners, eye health clinics and disabled peoples organizations.

Third World Saar Campaign

Name of the Organization
Third World Saar Campaign

Weiskirchener Straße 24
66679 Losheim am See

+49 6872 993056
Description of the Organization

Third World Saar Campaign (Aktion 3. Welt Saar) is a social organization that is not linked to any political party. We are not involved in any projects in the Third World because we think that we do not have the right to develop people in other countries. Our objective is to make a difference in Germany. For centuries, Europe has forced its ideas about development upon other countries and thereby destroyed development programs that were already in process. Now it is time to put an end to this kind of violent development policy.

Since we are not associated with any political party, we refuse to focus on one individual objective. Some people expect us to stand up exclusively for topics related to the Third World and stay out of German politics because they assume we cannot achieve anything anyway. But instead, we interfere because we care. We want to bring about changes in Germany.

As an organization that is not linked to any political party, we commit ourselves to topics such as fair trade, world trade, nutrition, political asylum, racism, migration, energy policies, anti-Semitism, militarization, ecology and development policies. Above all, we try to do something about the unequal distribution of goods in the world. We intend to make sure that everyone has access to intellectual and material resources and does not live in poverty and misery.

We, the Third World Saar Campaign,

  • are financed by our members and sponsors and are not linked to any political party, church or lobby;
  • annually organize 120 events and campaigns independently or in cooperation with other organizations;
  • establish networks, link up groups and people and initiate campaigns;
  • recommend speakers and provide counselling for the organization of events;
  • publish the results of our research and studies on a regular basis.

co2online gemeinnützige GmbH

Name of the Organization
co2online gemeinnützige GmbH

Hochkirchstraße 9
10829 Berlin

+49 30 767685-0
Description of the Organization

co2online gemeinnützige GmbH is a non-profit limited liability company that is campaigning for a reduction in emissions of the environmentally harmful gas carbon dioxide (CO2). The central approach here is: climate protection by means of energy saving through dialogue. With online advisers, communal heating consultants and a climate quiz, as well as portal partners from business, media and politics, co2online motivates private households, trade and commerce to become actively involved in climate protection - and to save money at the same time! co2online informs and motivates mainly in the area of technical modernisation measures for heating and thermal insulation in existing buildings and is the project sponsor for the "Climate Seeks Protection" campaign, which is backed by the Federal Environment Ministry.

Themes of the organization

Vétérinaires sans Frontières Belgium

Name of the Organization
Vétérinaires sans Frontières Belgium

Avenue des Arts 7-8
1210 Bruxelles

0032 2 539 09 89
Description of the Organization

Les vétérinaires se mobilisent pour aider les populations vivant dans les régions les plus pauvres du monde. Dans beaucoup de pays, le bétail est une source essentielle de nourriture de qualité. Et pourtant, la médecine vétérinaire est souvent inexistante, si bien que le danger d'épidémie n'est jamais très loin. Là-bas, si le troupeau est malade, c'est le village qui meurt. Voilà pourquoi l'aide médicale vétérinaire sur le terrain est une nécessité.

Depuis mars 2007, notre ONG en collaboration avec VSF France, SIVTRo-VSF-Italia et VETAID, mettent en place un projet d'éducation au développement (DEP) financé par la Commission Européenne. Programmé pour trois ans, ce projet vise à informer et sensibiliser les publiques étudiants (agronomes et vétérinaires), politiques et agricoles (les professionnels de l'agriculture) sur la problématique de l'agriculture paysanne dans une optique de relation Nord Sud en se nourrissant de l'expérience de VSF sur la terrain.

Themes of the organization

WUS - World University Service Germany

Name of the Organization
WUS - World University Service Germany
Global Learning

Goebenstraße 35
65195 Wiesbaden

+49 611 9446170
Description of the Organization

W - as in world
The World University Service (WUS) is an international non-governmental organisation which is politically and denominationally neutral. Since 1920 the WUS supports students and academics in higher education institutions. Today, WUS exists in over 50 countries.

U - as in university
The core issues of WUS Germany are higher education and defending human rights, especially the human right to education. WUS provides seminars, publications and information. It pursues public relations at political level, institutions, civil society and the media.

S - as in service
WUS Germany takes part in national and international campaigns in the educational and development cooperation sector, offers consulting and carries out scholarship programmes as well as projects. Among its projects are those dealing with Development Education and Global Learning, capacity building for students from Africa, Asia and Latin America and subsidies for experts returning to their countries.

WUS takes part in national and international campaigns in the education and development sector, offers counseling and implements projects.

Information Centre Education North-South
The Information Centre of WUS is a project carried out jointly by the German State Administrative Units (Länder) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development. The objective of the Information Centre is to intensify communication and the flow of information as well as to help building networks in the field of Development Education and Global Learning.
Contact: Anne-Sophie Tramer, infostelle[at]wusgermany.de, Tel. +49 611 9446170

Global Learning Portal
Offers an overview on of school materials, seminars and acitivities around Global Learning in Germany.
Contact: Heike Jäger, jaeger[at]wusgermany.de, Tel. +49 611 9446170

Website of German Federal States in Development Policy
German Federal States in Development Policy presents the respective development policy objectives and activities of the 16 Federal States. It provides an overview of the multi-facetted commitment and involvement of the Federal States and their desire to contribute to the formation of public policy.
Contact: Anne-Sophie Tramer, portal[at]wusgermany.de, Tel. +49 611 9446170

Development training for students from Africa, Asia and Latin America
With its project "STUBE Hessen", WUS offers a study-accompanying programme addressing students from Africa, Asia and Latin America.
Contact: Debora Schöbel, stube-ref[at]wusgermany.de, Tel. + 49 611 9446171

Projects with experts from Developing Countries
The project "Subsidies for Experts from Developing Countries" can promote graduated students under certain conditions in their return and professional reintegration in their home countries (reintegration programme).

Lobbying and Networking

Hilfswerk Austria International

Name of the Organization
Hilfswerk Austria International

Grünbergstraße 15/2/5
1120 Wien

+43 1 4057500-0
Description of the Organization

Hilfswerk Austria is one of the largest Austrian non-profit-organisations operating internationally in relief and development, and a member of the Austrian Hilfswerk. Our mission is to help victims of civil wars and natural disasters and to carry out development cooperation projects world wide, as well as providing development education.

Werkstatt Solidarische Welt

Name of the Organization
Werkstatt Solidarische Welt

Weiße Gasse 3
86150 Augsburg

+49 821 37261
Description of the Organization

The workshop “Solidarische Welt e. V.” (founded in 1980) wants to offer possibilities together with the world store in Augsburg for united action beyond borders. This includes educational work, fair trade, the work for a humane asylum and the support of single projects abroad. We work independently, of benefit to the public and regardless of political parties. Our work is performed in an honourary capacity and full-time. We offer regular series of events: Asia days, African weeks, fair week and peace actions. Moreover, single events, an educational material place, a public library and a north south-info archive. We publish north south information for teachers regularly.

Handicap International Deutschland e. V.

Name of the Organization
Handicap International Deutschland e. V.

Lindwurmstr. 101
80337 München

+49 89 547606-0

Difäm - German Institute for Medical Mission

Name of the Organization
Difäm - German Institute for Medical Mission

Mohlstraße 26
Postfach 1312, 72003 Tübingen
72074 Tübingen

+49 7071 70490-17
Description of the Organization

Difäm, the German Institute for Medical Mission, based in Tübingen, was founded in 1906. It is a specialized advisory center, medical relief organization and bearer of the Paul Lechler Clinic for Tropical Diseases. We provide support to development and relief organizations worldwide (for example: Brot für die Welt [bread for the world], social welfare work and disaster aid) for the implementation of health projects; we assist our local partners in planning their projects and offer them ongoing support.

Our doctors have run health programs in southern countries for years and can thus provide the necessary specialized knowledge. Our main goal is to establish a firm basis for sustainable health care by promoting basic health care services and home health care. With our seminars in public health and treatment of tropical diseases, we further the training of local health care specialists and of qualified personnel.

Difäm promotes and carries out projects that help patients suffering from disabilities or diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and leprosy. Our medical aid service provides indispensable medicine, medical tools and auxiliary materials etc. for partner clinics and health care stations in over 90 countries around the world. Our long-term goal, however, is to make these countries independent of foreign aid. For this reason, Difäm provides raw materials, tools and training for local personnel in order to support the local production of pharmaceuticals. In addition to providing direct aid, we are also active in political lobbying and public campaigns for the right to health care.

Karl Kuebel Foundation for Child and Family

Name of the Organization
Karl Kuebel Foundation for Child and Family

Darmstädter Straße 100
64625 Bensheim

+49 6251 700542
Description of the Organization

The Karl Kübel Foundation is a foundation that carries out activities in Germany as well as activities in the fields of development cooperation and development education.