Development cooperation

Senate Chancellery of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

Name of the Organization
Senate Chancellery of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

Am Markt 21
28195 Bremen

+49 421 361-4505
Description of the Organization

To take over responsibility for a sustainable development together with countries of the south and to accompany processes of the globalization, is an important part of the free Hanseatic town, Bremen. The Bremen development cooperation makes a contribution to the millennium sighting of the United Nations, to poverty fight, ecological lastingness, strengthening of the human rights and democratic structures. At the same time the development cooperation shows an important element of the international relations of Bremen and protects positive repercussions for the location.

The main focuses are:

  • Social-appropriate and environmentally sound projects
  • International qualification measures oriented to economy
  •  Developing-political work of information and educational work

Bremen promotes projects which should protect basic needs and contribute to the protection of the environment and natural resources. Besides, knowledge management and knowledge transfer as well as the support of self-help potentials are in the foreground also like participative planning processes and ecologically friendly technologies.

Bremen promotes, together with the alliance, international programs to the qualification oriented economy of professional forces and executives from countries of the south. Besides, Bremen as a partner for sustainable development introduces his competence actively and uses the contacts also for the construction more internationally of economic relations. The main emphasis form the main focus in the maritime area like decentralized harbor development, logistics and coastal zone management.

The aim of the developing-political work of information and educational work is to anchor third world aid policy socially better and to contribute to the acquisition of creation competence in a globalized world. Bremen promotes suitable programs of extracurricular educational institutions at school and NGO as a contribution to the conversion of the aims of the UN decade „education for sustainable development“.

For many years Bremen co-operates with the cities of Pune/India, Windhoek/Namibia and Durban / South Africa. Environmental protection and resource protection as well as cultural exchange play a central role in the cooperation. Since 2010 Bremen builds up with the twin town Durban topically a developing partnership for climate and resources protection. Since 2011 Bremen carries the title „Capital of fair trade“. Numerous innovative activities and the support of a big network of the most different actors serve increasingly to move the subject fair trade in the middle of the Bremen society.

arche noVa

Name of the Organization
arche noVa
Specialist department for Global Education in Saxony

Weißeritzstraße 3
01067 Dresden

+49 351 481984-0
Description of the Organization

Arche noVa is an aid organisation that sets up humanitarian aid projects (Syrien, Irak, Libanon, Ukraine), development cooperation projects (Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippinen, Uganda, Äthiopien, Somalia, Mali, Kenia) as well as development education in the form of school projects on topics such as ‘water’, ‘world trade and globalisation’, ‘(international) conflicts’ and ‘humanitarian aid’.

Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism

Name of the Organization
Saxon State Ministry for Science, Culture and Tourism
Division 42: EU and International Affairs

Wigardstraße 17
01097 Dresden

+49 351 564-6012
Description of the Organization

The Free State of Saxony supports the goal of a sustainable develop-ment according to the Millennium Declaration of the United Nations 2000. Sharing the responsibility with the federal government and the municipalities, the state of Saxony attempts to contribute to and promote development cooperation. This was reconfirmed through the signing of the 2014 Resolution on Development Policy of the Minister Presidents of the German Federal States.

MEDBOX. The Aid Library

Name of the Organization
MEDBOX. The Aid Library

Hermann-Schell-Straße 7
97074 Würzburg

+49 931 80485-18
Description of the Organization

MEDBOX. The Aid Library is an innovative worldwide accessible open-source library, which gathers practical, relevant and high-quality documents and guidelines on public and global health. MEDBOX aims is to increase the quality of health work worldwide, guarantee access to key information on health-related topics for multiple stakeholders and raise awareness for health issues in an international context.

OIKOS - Cooperacao e Desenvolvimento

Name of the Organization
OIKOS - Cooperacao e Desenvolvimento

Rua Visconde Moreira de Rey, nº 37
2790-447 Lissabon

+351 218 823630
+351 218 823635
Description of the Organization

Oikos – Cooperação e Desenvolvimento (Cooperation and Development) is a Portuguese non-governmental organisation whose goal is worldwide development. To this end, we work with communities in the poorest regions and countries regardless of their geographical location. From Emergencies to Development, Education, Social Mobilisation and Public Influence, Oikos’s work currently encompasses Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Peru and Portugal.

Themes of the organization

ActionAid France - federation for solidarity between peoples

Name of the Organization
ActionAid France - federation for solidarity between peoples
Secrétariat de Montreuil

MundoM - 47 avenue Pasteur
93100 Montreuil

01 48 58 21 85
Description of the Organization

The Peuples Solidaires association focuses on international solidarity work. In 1983, it was founded following the merger of two organisations: the Mouvement 1% Tiers-monde pour un Développement Solidaire (founded in 1974) and the Union des Comités pour le Développement des Peuples - UCODEP (founded in 1972). Peuples Solidaires comprises individual members and local groups that are promoting “solidary development cooperation between all peoples”. The association unites 80 local groups and 300 individual members. 7,500 are taking part in the campaigns of the association’s network Réseau-Solidarité. The work of Peuples Solidaires is characterised by four thematic focuses:

  1. Partnerships
    The individual local groups carry out educational work, offer assistance with credit applications, support economic initiatives and implement measures for rural development and to increase school attendance. Aside from ‘direct relations’, the association also maintains large-scale partnerships with organisations in Africa, South America and Asia.
  2. Economic, social and cultural rights
    Peuples Solidaires wants to ensure that the economy serves humankind. The main objective is the facilitation of a fairer exchange between the North and the South, the cancellation of debt, the reform of the international financial institutions as well as the assumption of social responsibility on the part of corporations. The association primarily launches letter campaigns via its network Réseau-Solidarité and, in doing so, stands up for women and men of the South whose economic, social and cultural rights are being spurned.
  3. The creation of an international civil society
    Educational and public relations are of great importance for us in order to show our fellow citizens the urgency of creating a world based on solidarity. Peuples Solidaires approaches everyone, children, teenagers and grown-ups. The association engages in the publishing of Altermondes, a journal for international solidarity, and provides books and information material, organises seminars and takes part in international information and mobilisation campaigns.
  4. Federalis
    For us, federalism stands for the interface between individual members and autonomous associations with the goal of collecting ideas and creating synergies. For us, federalism also means giving everyone the chance to excel, to connect with others and thus to be stronger when it comes to the globalisation debate. Active members work in committees, networks and national institutions. One of the association’s basic principles is collaboration with other organisations. Local groups take part in the local coordination and the association is a founding member of the CRID (Research and Information Centre for Development) and is involved in numerous unions on a national as well as an international level.

Themes of the organization

MTÜ Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud (AKÜ)

Name of the Organization
MTÜ Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud (AKÜ)
Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation

Telliskivi 60A/3
10412 Tallinn

+372 627 0191
Description of the Organization

AKÜ is an open forum of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) and experts for advocacy, public awareness and joint development projects. AKÜ acts as a national platform for development NGOs in Estonia. AKÜ informs its members about development news, facilitates participation in seminars, trainings and field studies, and cooperates with similar networks in Europe.

AKÜ participates actively in Trialog project (Development NGOs in the Enlarged Europe) and in CONCORD working groups (European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development).

Themes of the organization