Global Citizenship Education

Kopin empowering communities

Name of the Organization
Kopin empowering communities

195, Suite 2b
Naxxar Road
San Ġwann SGN 9029

+356 27 567 460
Description of the Organization

Kopin (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali) is a voluntary organization based in Malta which works in the field of North-South cooperation. Kopin was launched in public during a seminar on "The Policies of the European Union with regards to North South Cooperation" held on 24 June, 2000. Although Kopin is not bound to any other organization it has good relations with a number of Maltese and foreign organizations. Kopin is a member of the Forum for Justice and Cooperation together with the Third World Group, Koperattiva Kummerc Gust (Fair Trade Cooperative) and Inizjamed.

Themes of the organization

CARDET - Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology

Name of the Organization
CARDET - Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology

29 Lykavitou avenue (1st floor)
2401 Nicosia

+357 22002100
Description of the Organization

CARDET is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus, with partners around the world. CARDET is one of the leading institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region for research and development. Our team strives to offer the highest quality services to benefit society. We collaborate with local and international organizations, public and private bodies, and across diverse disciplines in designing solutions for local and global challenges.

CARDET’s mission is to inspire next generation education, and to promote research, innovation, and development through evidence-based practices, cutting-edge research, and empowered people.

CARDET has collaborated with organizations, governments, international agencies, and corporations in Asia, Europe, and the USA. The CARDET team has successfully completed more than 200 projects in more than 40 countries, reaching out to more than a million people. Several of our projects were supported by the European Commission, The Commonwealth of Learning, the United Nations Development Program, USAID, EuropeAid, Microsoft, Google, and governments around the world.


Universität Bayreuth

Name of the Organization
Universität Bayreuth
Didaktik der Geographie

Universitätsstraße 30
95447 Bayreuth

+49 921 552275

German AFS Intercultural Programs

Name of the Organization
German AFS Intercultural Programs

Friedensallee 48
22765 Hamburg

+49 40 399222-38
Description of the Organization

AFS International is one of the world's most experienced and largest non-profit providers of youth exchange and intercultural learning. Originally founded by volunteer ambulance drivers, the American Field Service has grown over the past 70 years into a global community with over 60 country organisations and partners.In addition to school exchanges and volunteer service, we also offer our volunteers a wide range of education and training. We also offer workshops in schools on the topics of racism, sustainability and intercultural learning.

InterCultur gemeinnützige GmbH

Name of the Organization
InterCultur gemeinnützige GmbH
intercultural learning, intercultural training and educational projects

Friedensallee 48
22765 Hamburg

+49 40 8060 2760
Description of the Organization

Since 2012, InterCultur has been offering seminars, trainings and events for organisations, companies, educational institutions and individuals who have a need and interest in developing their understanding of other cultures and improving the way they deal with cultural differences. The basis of our intercultural work and our seminar units is experiential learning. As a subsidiary of AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V., InterCultur is part of one of the oldest and largest organisations for intercultural exchange in the world. Over 70 years of experience in the implementation of exchange programmes are the basis of our competence in the pedagogical accompaniment of intercultural experiences and situations as well as intercultural qualification. InterCultur runs educational events and trainings, for young people and for adults, with the aim of acquiring and/or expanding the participants' intercultural competence. InterCultur creates social impact through intercultural learning through seminars and encounter approaches. InterCultur offers intercultural training and counselling for people who cannot be reached through AFS programmes. InterCultur is an accredited organiser of intercultural training and educational programmes by the quality assessment of Weiterbildung Hamburg e.V. and the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia. Our Intercultural Trainer Academy training is recognised throughout Germany for educational leave. InterCultur facilitates lively, authentic trainings with interactive methods by experienced trainers who provide learning and refexion opportunities for the target groups.
Since 2012, InterCultur has been offering seminars, trainings and events for organisations, companies, educational institutions and individuals who have a need and interest in further developing their understanding of other cultures and improving the way they deal with cultural differences. The basis of our intercultural work and our seminar units is experiential learning. As a subsidiary of AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e.V., InterCultur is part of one of the oldest and largest organisations for intercultural exchange in the world. Over 70 years of experience in the implementation of exchange programmes are the basis of our competence in the pedagogical accompaniment of intercultural experiences and situations as well as intercultural qualification. InterCultur runs educational events and trainings, for young people and for adults, with the aim of acquiring and/or expanding the participants' intercultural competence. InterCultur creates social impact through intercultural learning through seminars and encounter approaches. InterCultur offers intercultural training and counselling for people who cannot be reached through AFS programmes. InterCultur is an accredited organiser of intercultural training and educational programmes by the quality assessment of Weiterbildung Hamburg e.V. and the federal states of Baden-Württemberg, North Rhine-Westphalia and Thuringia. Our Intercultural Trainer Academy training is recognised throughout Germany for educational leave. InterCultur facilitates lively, authentic trainings with interactive methods by experienced trainers who provide learning and refexion opportunities for the target groups.

Südwind Wien

Name of the Organization
Südwind Wien

Laudongasse 40
1080 Wien

+43 1 4055515
Description of the Organization

Südwind is an Austrian non-profit organisation operating in the fields of global education, adult education, campaigning and public awareness-raising. They develop creative methods and ideas for education work for a better North-South understanding. They have already different experiences with EU-funded programmes. To a large extent the projects of Südwind are funded by the Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Federal Ministry for Education, Science and Culture.

The main activities of Südwind are:

  • Global Education: Seminars and Training, Programmes for teachers and multipliers, Production of Materials (Exhibitions, Workshops, Print-Materials), Network of Global Education Centres in Austria, International School and NGO Networks, Global Education Week
  • Public Awareness: Campaigns: ,,Bitter Orange" (1997/1998), ,,Clean Clothes-Campaign" (1998/1999, since 2001), ,,Project Secure" (since 2001), ,,Fair Trade" (since 2001), co-operation with media and public events
  • Südwind-Magazine: An Information-Magazine about: South-North-interdependencies, poverty and welfare, the world's cultures, a global future

FIS - Fairtrade Initiative Saarbrücken

Name of the Organization
FIS - Fairtrade Initiative Saarbrücken
Additional info
c/o Peter Weichardt / Heike Zimmermann

Schumannstrasse 34
66111 Saarbrücken

+49 6893 801855
Description of the Organization

FAIR for all generations FAIR education - Our campaigns are aimed at schools, kindergartens and day-care centres (Kitas), extracurricular actors in the greater Saarbrücken area and Saarland University. Several "Fair Kitas", "Fairtrade Schools" and "Fairtrade Universities" from the greater Saarbrücken area have already been awarded. School classes and courses from the Saarbrücken region have already received the award "Fair School Class - Fair Trade Class" more than 100 times. Through our young "Fair Trade Ambassadors" as multipliers and through our wide-ranging commitment, we reach a broad public. The guiding principle of our network is Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Bund für Bildung - Confederation for education

Name of the Organization
Bund für Bildung - Confederation for education
Globales Lernen

Anklamer Straße 38
10115 Berlin

+49 1734683505
Description of the Organization

The non-profit association "Bund für Bildung" translates socially relevant issues into educational projects. The focus is on issues of inclusion, participation and democracy.