KulturLife gGmbH
Max-Giese-Strasse 22
24116 Kiel
Max-Giese-Strasse 22
24116 Kiel
Baštová 343/5
811 03 Bratislava
Buconjiceva 4
10000 Zagreb
Nektarina Non Profit is international non-profit organization dedicated to educating, connecting and inspiring people to care about their communities and their environment. Our work focuses on education in the following areas:
Countries we are active in:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (under UN Resolution 1244), Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine
Oberaltenallee 6
22081 Hamburg
YFU is a non-profit student exchange program. They place students in over 30 countries and accommodate students from over 40 countries in Germany. For one year, students live with a host family and attend school.
Grünbergstraße 15/2/5
1120 Wien
Hilfswerk Austria is one of the largest Austrian non-profit-organisations operating internationally in relief and development, and a member of the Austrian Hilfswerk. Our mission is to help victims of civil wars and natural disasters and to carry out development cooperation projects world wide, as well as providing development education.