Latin America

EADI - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes

Name of the Organization
EADI - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes

Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 11
53113 Bonn

+49 228 2618101
Description of the Organization

EADI, the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, is the leading European network in the field of development research and training. EADI is a Europe-wide network of institutes, researchers and students of various disciplines in the field of development studies. It organises activities and offers facilities for the international exchange of knowledge and experience in the professional field. Its most prominent activity is a General Conference devoted to a topical issue every three years. The official languages of EADI are English and French. EADI is the prime professional association for development studies. As such it promotes: quality in research and education in development studies, the exchange of relevant information among members and with others, the strengthening of relevant knowledge networks at the regional and global level, and influencing both national and European decision-makers in the development cooperation field. EADI’s two objectives are, firstly, to generate and stimulate and exchange of information among European academics and researchers concerned with development issues and to develop contacts with researchers from other regions of the world. And secondly, to promote interdisciplinary studies on specific themes. EADI is financed by its members’ contributions, an institutional grant from the German government and other project-related subsidies and private donations. EADI receives core funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) and the Land North Rhine-Westphalia / City of Bonn.

earthlink – people & nature network

Name of the Organization
earthlink – people & nature network

Frohschammerstraße 14
80807 München

+49 89 35652102
Description of the Organization

With partners around the globe, earthlink specifically works for harmony between man and nature. Together with the local population, we create strategies and methods to improve the living conditions of the poor and to protect the environment. earthlink maintains socially sustainable and nature-friendly development in the context of concrete projects on site through public relations in Germany and Europe and through global networks. The involvement of locals is an important aspect for ensuring long-term success.

Peace Brigades International

Name of the Organization
Peace Brigades International

Gutenbergstraße 35
3011 Bern

+41 31 3724444
Description of the Organization

Peace Brigades International (PBI) has been the leading organization for unarmed protective accompaniment and observation of human rights in conflict areas for over 30 years. International teams accompany threatened activists who work for peace, democracy and justice. - guide to global learning in Schleswig-Holstein

Name of the Organization - guide to global learning in Schleswig-Holstein

c/o Bündnis Eine Welt Schleswig-Holstein e. V.
Walkerdamm 1
24103 Kiel

+49 431 679399-00
Description of the Organization is a project of the alliance “Eine Welt Schleswig-Holstein e. V.” Teachers and employees of nursery schools and youth facilities can find educational work support like consultants, teaching materials and agency in finding classrooms for their developing-political educational work. wants to

  • make learning at school a good experience,
  • increase the value of the developing-political education in Schleswig-Holstein,
  • attract the interest of children and teenagers for “Eine Welt” and provide the ability to look at situations and problems in a worldwide and comprehensive connection.

Brücke • Le pont

Name of the Organization
Brücke • Le pont

Rue St-Pierre 12
1700 Freiburg

+41 26 425515-1
Description of the Organization

The Program “Arbeit in Würde“ supports and accompanies Brücke Le pont with 35 development projects for  discriminated for people in the countries Togo, Benin, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Bolivia and Brazil.

Education and support of the independency are the foundations of a sustainable development. People should be able to make a living from their work and to take responsibility for family and society. They need profitable or fairly paid work and just working conditions for it.For that they need profitable or fairly paid jobs and just working conditions for it.

Brücke Le pont have been focusing on the following points:

  • Income support
  • Professional education
  • Support of labour laws

The projects promote mainly adults, but also teenagers and children. They contribute to the parents so that they can take care of their children, and promote the equal rights of woman and man. Brücke Le pont works mostly together with small and local organizations. They are close to the target population and know the social, cultural and political relations on site very well. Brücke Le pont thinks highly of the fact that in the projects participative and locally adapted methods are being applied and that the cooperation is maintained on networks. This creates synergies and raises the effectiveness. Education is the foundation of development. It strengthens the self-esteem of the people and provides the necessary knowledge for them to perform a good and profitable work.

Light for the world

Name of the Organization
Light for the world

Niederhofstraße 26
1120 Wien

+43 1 8101300
Description of the Organization

Light for the world is an international organization that focuses on development projects for blind persons and persons with disabilities in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Southeastern Europe. Light for the world works together with local partners, eye health clinics and disabled peoples organizations.

MUNDI Global Education Centre

Name of the Organization
MUNDI Global Education Centre
School of Education

Jubilee Campus
United Kingdom

+44 115 951 4485
+44 115 951 4583
Description of the Organization

We work predominantly with schools, universities and early years settings in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire and the East Midlands region to promote awareness and understanding of global development, citizenship and sustainability issues.

Themes of the organization


Name of the Organization

Deichreihe 29
25489 Haseldorf

+49 4129 607
Description of the Organization

The Pantheater Hamburg e. V. is a group of professional actors who perform their own plays for children, adolescents and adults all over Germany. These plays are related to development policy in our One World. The group acts in schools, cultural centres, theatres and congregations, but also at public events, such as the Church Congress, meetings on the national level, conferences, congresses, fairs, as well as at events and project weeks in the context of global learning, development policy and environmental policy.

Bookable Event: Explorations in the One World

"Explorations in the One World" are multimedia and scenic travel narratives intended to provide information and encourage commitment to various subjects in an entertaining way. The explorations in Chile, Mexico, India, South Africa, Tanzania, Cuba, Colombia, Brazil and Ghana deal with the struggle for democracy and social justice, fair trade, the situation of street children, racism, the privatisation of drinking water and solar power. They also deal with dignity, identity and much more.

This event includes the performance of an act and a subsequent dialogue with the audience. Moreover, the actors offer to participate in follow-up workshops.

HochVier - Society for political and cultural education

Name of the Organization
HochVier - Society for political and cultural education

Schulstraße 9
14482 Potsdam

+49 331 5813210
Description of the Organization

In our charitable organisation, experts on educational matters and coaches from the Brandenburg and Berlin area are working on the following topics:

  • adult and youth education in politics (development policy, ecology, development of democracy, civic participation, questions concerning human rights, migration, etc.)
  • intercultural communication
  • mediation and conflict management, mediation training and parental training
  • organisation counselling
  • anti-discrimination training
  • study travels focusing on political and cultural matters and related to natural history in (Eastern) Germany and Eastern Europe

In terms of language and culture, we have gathered experiences and established contacts particularly with (Southeastern) Europe, Turkey, the Arab States, Israel, Latin America and Africa.