
Makista - Prepare Children for Democracy!

Name of the Organization
Makista - Prepare Children for Democracy!

Löwenhof – Haus B
Löwengasse 27
60385 Frankfurt am Main

+49 69 949446740
Description of the Organization

People involved for many years in promoting "democracy with children" and children's rights came together to found the association "Macht Kinder stark für Demokratie" (prepare children for democracy!). They work in many domains such as the media, industry and commerce, educational institutions, public administration, and children's rights organizations. Makista wants to ensure that children are respected from day one and that they adopt democratic values. In this way, they can learn to respect others and take responsibility for the community at large. Many institutions and private sponsors are committed to the rights of children and youths. Makista aims to provide basic information concerning children's rights. We support opportunities to share ideas and experiences. We organize symposia and workshops, and we develop web-based information services for pupils, parents and teachers. We are a network of people who, for many years, have been committed to supporting the rights of children as laid down in the 1989 UN Convention on Children's Rights. A main concern of the Convention is to give children and youths a voice in all matters that affect them. Our many years of experience with the involvement of children and youths of all ages show that when young people are taken seriously, they can do much more than we normally expect. This assumes that adults provide them with a supportive environment. We would very much like to provide you with information on our experience in this domain, as well as addresses, links, literature, practical tips and suggestions for valuable projects. Makista is not associated with any political party and it is recognized as a non-profit organization.

Themes of the organization

Stichting Woord en Daad

Name of the Organization
Stichting Woord en Daad
Additional info
Postadres: Postbus 560, 4200 AN Gorinchem

Spijksedijk 16
4207 GN Gorinchem

+31 183 611800
Description of the Organization

Woord en Daad wants to fight poverty in Africa, Asia and Central-America from a Christian perspective. We operate in the following countries: Afghanistan, Angola, Bangladesh, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Ethiopia, the Philippines, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, India, Liberia, Nicaragua, Sierra Leone, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Chad, Zambia, South Africa. Through local organizations we want to provide a decent existence for the poor. To do this, we make an appeal to everyone's responsibility, both here and over there. Woord en Daad would like to be a strong and reliable link between you and the poor in our working area. Woord en Daad structurally cooperates with Christian partner organizations in the Education program (kindergarten, primary, secondary, informal and literacy education), the Job & Income program (vocational education and traning, job mediation, micro enterprise development and small and medium enterprise development), and the Basic Needs program (health care, water and sanitation, and agriculture).

Themes of the organization

Advisory Network Democracy and Tolerance Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

Name of the Organization
Advisory Network Democracy and Tolerance Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
Additional info
State Agency for Civic Education

Jägerweg 2
19053 Schwerin

+49 385 3020910

Themes of the organization

W3_ Workshop for International Culture and Politics

Name of the Organization
W3_ Workshop for International Culture and Politics

Nernstweg 32-34
22765 Hamburg

+49 40 39033-65
Description of the Organization

The W3_ is an educational and cultural center around global justice. It offers a platform for encounters and exchange and, with its diverse program of events, encourages critical questioning of social conditions. It invites to inspiration, to experience, to reflection and to common action for a global and local justice.

With lectures, workshops, conferences, symposia, readings, performances as well as film screenings and actions, W3_ establishes the connection between local politics and global developments in series of events, projects as well as individual and cooperative events and motivates people to get involved. With dialogue-oriented/participative formats such as performances and actions in public space, spontaneous interactions with residents of the district are realized, which actively call for participation.

It is important to W3_ to focus on less present voices and alternative perspectives, to make them audible and visible, and to think and link local and global dimensions together. The goal is always to make people think, to provide inspiration and ideas for their own everyday lives, and to show options for action.

ZEWU - Centre for Energy, Water and Environmental Technology

Name of the Organization
ZEWU - Centre for Energy, Water and Environmental Technology
IQ Project Mission Future

Zum Handwerkszentrum 1
21079 Hamburg

+49 40 35905776
Description of the Organization

The Centre for Energy, Water and Environmental Technology was founded back in 1985. Since then, it has established itself as a practice-oriented service provider in environmental and climate protection issues. It is a contact point for building owners, craftsmen, planners and companies from the Hamburg metropolitan region who want professional support.

JuSeV - Youth welfare and social work

Name of the Organization
JuSeV - Youth welfare and social work
GLOS - Global Learning on the Oder and Spree

Franz-Mehring-Straße 20
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)

+49 335 40156930