World economic relations

SÜDWIND – institute for economy and ecumenism

Name of the Organization
SÜDWIND – institute for economy and ecumenism

Kaiserstraße 201
53113 Bonn

+49 228 763698-0
Description of the Organization

SÜDWIND – carries out research for just economic relations ...

Our work at SÜDWIND is based on the conviction that there is a connection between the wealth of industrial countries and the widespread poverty in developing countries.

In many research areas, our SÜDWIND studies prove that we here in Germany—political and economic institutions as well as consumers are also responsible for the mismanagement in developing countries. More than just analyzing the problems, SÜDWIND is also searching for ways to act: How, in the interest of the poor, can the current situation be changed to incorporate global economic justice?

... and creates recommendations for campaigns

Our many solutions include:

  • Advocacy to put pressure on companies and political decision makers
  • Direct negotiations with the individuals responsible
  • Cooperation with and support for campaigns such as erlassjahr. de (the year of debt relief), Gerechtigkeit jetzt! (justice now) or Kampagne für Saubere Kleidung (campaign for clean clothes).

SÜDWIND works closely together with other institutions, organizations concerned with development cooperation, initiatives, associations, and communities in Germany and all over the world.

Themes of the organization

SOS Faim Luxembourg

Name of the Organization
SOS Faim Luxembourg

17-19, avenue de la Libération
L-3850 Schifflange

+352 49 09 96
Description of the Organization

SOS Faim is a development NGO recognised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Luxembourg. SOS Faim supports peasants organizations and microfinance institutions in Africa. SOS Faim also leads awareness
campaigns in Luxembourg.

Arch Project

Name of the Organization
Arch Project
Additional info
Johannes Peschke

An der Trave 34a
23795 Bad Segeberg

+49 4551 9080572
Description of the Organization

Extracurricular education partner for schools and kindergartens in global learning in Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Mecklenburg Vorpommern and Lower Saxony


Name of the Organization
International, European and development education

Annaberg 40
45721 Haltern am See

+49 2364 105-254

Office of information Nicaragua

Name of the Organization
Office of information Nicaragua

Deweerthstraße 8
42107 Wuppertal

+49 202 300030
Description of the Organization

The office of information Nicaragua is one of the oldest organizations of the Nicaraguan solidarity movement. The history of the office of information was until the 90s closely related with the economyof the solidarity movement to Central America and especially to Nicaragua. Today our work concentrates on the area of development education  and information for Latin America and on thecooperation and support of base initiatives in Nicaragua. We provide information, publish publications, provide educational materials, maintain a third world archive, mediate examiners, organize visits with Latin-American activists and organize actions, series of events, school workshops and seminars. Within the framework of several projects educational materials were developed on subjects like economy, migration, climate change and environmental justice, human rights and social movements as well as colonialism and racism. Besides the educational materials we also offer disseminator courses. For several years we also offer successful workshops on the above mentioned subjects for young people . We use interactive and participative exercises of global learning, so that young people can approach appropriately to the subject of the workshops. Moreover we refer to the interests and experiences of the participants and put a main focus on the learning. Our work focuses on fun, the connections with the life and reality of young people, reflection as well as the ability to own judgment and action.

KED - Development Service of the North-Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church

Name of the Organization
KED - Development Service of the North-Elbian Evangelical Lutheran Church

Wichmannstraße 4 | Haus 10 Nord
22607 Hamburg

+49 40 30620 1531
Description of the Organization

The north church promotes, the church overseas development service, projects in Asia, Africa and Latin America. In this way making a contribution to more global justice is shown. At the same time the church wants to promote a critical understanding for the global, economic, social, political and ecological influences that shape our lives. The educational offer of the church overseas development service has the aim to understand the interconnection among our own life and of people all over the world. Together with others the church wants to create a worldwide social change through the communication of abilities, settings and values. We want to connect people and promote their engagement supporting a fairer and more sustainable world. Our aid programs are available for church and non-church groups and initiatives in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein. Every two years the north church announces the "one world price". This price honors initiatives, groups, church municipalities or individuals for their engagement. The theological bases, definitions, structures and quality criterions of the educational work are summarized in the concept for the development educational work of the north church.