Financing of projects

MBJS - Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport des Landes Brandenburg

Name of the Organization
MBJS - Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport des Landes Brandenburg
Referat 24

Heinrich-Mann-Allee 107
14473 Potsdam

+49 331 8663565

Themes of the organization

AEIN - Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal

Name of the Organization
AEIN - Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal

8, bd. Pershing
L-2323 Luxemburg

Description of the Organization

Since 1967, Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal (AEIN) has been engaging in and supporting development projects in India and Nepal. All projects are planned and conducted by Indian and Nepalese organisations respectively. AEI is involved primarily in education and awareness in Luxembourg and also provides financing for projects in India.

Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen

Name of the Organization
Stiftung Umwelt und Entwicklung Nordrhein-Westfalen

Kaiser Friedrich Straße 13
53113 Bonn

+49 228 24335-0

Ministry of Education and Culture of Saarland

Name of the Organization
Ministry of Education and Culture of Saarland
Department B5- Development cooperation, Education on sustainable development, UNESCO-schools

Trierer Straße 33
66111 Saarbrücken

+49 681 501-6654
Description of the Organization

Description of the organization:

The Ministry of Education and Culture in Saarland is responsible for the topic of development cooperation. The goal is to work closely with actors from civil society and the municipal level who are active in development policy. Together with these partners, the Saarland assumes global responsibility. This includes fostering partnerships with countries and regions of the global South and promoting development policy information and education as well as civic engagement for the One World.

Goals and priorities

Since development cooperation is above all a task for society as a whole, the successful work of private initiatives, the churches and other non-governmental organizations in particular receives financial and non-material support. Saarland organizations working in and for South-North partnerships network with each other. Together, the state government and civil society want to make a concrete contribution to fighting poverty worldwide, securing peace, realizing democracy and making globalization fairer.

Particular importance is attached to the open and cooperative exchange of all actors in development policy work, both in global partnerships and in information and education work. In order to promote this exchange, the Ministry of Education and Culture invites to the open forum on development cooperation twice a year.

The Saarland Development Cooperation Guidelines were adopted by the Saarland Parliament in March 2017 and are the result of a development process with the active participation of civil society and Saarland non-governmental organizations. They represent the framework of Saarland's development cooperation and are intended to strengthen existing structures, initiatives and activities. They serve as orientation and form the basis for Saarland's future development policy relevant engagement.

The fields of action of Saarland's development cooperation are:

- development policy information, advisory and educational work

- science, research and teaching

- international exchange

- economy, enterprises, public administrations and municipalities

- international trade and agricultural policy

- North-South partnerships/cooperations

- impact of European policy on countries of the global south

Since 2018, the State Coordination Office for Education for Sustainable Development has been the key position for the structural anchoring of Education for Sustainable Development in school education. With the state coordination office, Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is systematically and structurally anchored in the education sector. In order to link global interrelationships and individual behavior, even schoolchildren are to be sensitized to sustainable development.

There are also far-reaching efforts in the area of fair trade/sustainable procurement. For example, with the decision of the Council of Ministers on May 2, 2023, fair trade coffee and another fair trade product - such as chocolate, tea or sugar - will be used in all houses of the state government from July 1, 2023. "If you want to have good working conditions in your own country, you cannot save on the price of coffee, cocoa or sugar at the expense of people in the global south. Therefore, in the future, there will be fair trade products in the areas of the ministers, the Prime Minister, but also in the hospitality of guests," explains Secretary of State for Education Jan Benedyczuk. With this decision, the state government has launched the "Fair Federal State" project. With this, Saarland will be the first federal state to submit an application for certification as a Fairtrade federal state in the fall of 2023. The certification is intended to structurally anchor Fair Trade in Saarland.

There are also far-reaching efforts in the area of fair trade/sustainable procurement. For example, with the decision of the Council of Ministers on May 2, 2023, fair trade coffee and another fair trade product - such as chocolate, tea or sugar - will be used in all houses of the state government from July 1, 2023. "If you want to have good working conditions in your own country, you cannot save on the price of coffee, cocoa or sugar at the expense of people in the global south. Therefore, in the future, there will be fair trade products in the areas of the ministers, the Prime Minister, but also in the hospitality of guests," explains Secretary of State for Education Jan Benedyczuk. With this decision, the state government has launched the "Fair Federal State" project. With this, Saarland will be the first federal state to submit an application for certification as a Fairtrade federal state in the fall of 2023. The certification is intended to structurally anchor Fair Trade in Saarland.

The application documents must be submitted to the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Saarland by December 31 of the previous year at the latest for the budget year of the funding. For project funding within the framework of development cooperation, the guidelines of development cooperation of the Saarland apply as a content-related framework. The legal framework for funding is formed by the guidelines of the Ministry of Education and Culture for the granting of subsidies for the funding of projects within the framework of development cooperation, as amended from time to time.

Don Bosco Mondo e. V.

Name of the Organization
Don Bosco Mondo e. V.

Sträßchensweg 3
53113 Bonn

+49 228 53965-69
+49 228 53965-68
Description of the Organization

By providing comprehensive education and vocational training, Don Bosco Mondo e. V. particularly supports disadvantaged children and adolescents in Africa, Asia, Latin America, ond Eostern Europe, enabling them to live independent lives.

Our reliable partners in this endeavour are the Salesians of Don Bosco. With over 7000 children and youth centres in more than 130 countries. Don Bosco provides young people with knowledge, skills, and orientation. The "Don-Bosco Pedagogy" is synonymous for loving care and professional support. lt does not only help young people to develop confidence in their own capabilities, but also conveys values as creativity, team spirit, tolerance, and respect. Our new name is meant to emphasise our commitment to this One World and the global responsibility that connects us here in Germany with people across the world."

ADA - Austrian Development Agency

Name of the Organization
ADA - Austrian Development Agency
Development Communication and Education in Austria

Zelinkagasse 2
1010 Vienna

+43 1 90399-0
Description of the Organization

Combating poverty, ensuring peace and preserving the environment: These are the three major concerns of Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of Austrian Development Cooperation. Every year, about 600 projects and programmes are implemented and funds of well over EUR 100 million are deployed to improve living conditions in developing countries.

Together with the Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs (MFA), partner countries, public institutions, civil-society organisations and businesses, ADA seeks to ensure that sustainable development works to the benefit of all people in Africa, Asia, South-Eastern and Eastern Europe as well as in the Caribbean. Personnel in 13 coordination offices make sure that ADA operations are in line with national development goals and the needs of the local population and that funds are put to the best possible use.

MFA allocates the ADA budget, but other federal ministries and donors or the EU, for example, draw on ADA expertise. Since 2008, the Austrian Development Agency has been conducting programmes for the European Commission. Via a further financing instrument, business partnerships, it allocates private funds for development cooperation: ADA promotes projects of enterprises in developing countries and emerging nations if they contribute to improving the conditions of life of the population in a region. Most funds are invested in its key regions and priority countries.




Marie Schlei Association

Name of the Organization
Marie Schlei Association

Grootsruhe 4
20537 Hamburg

+49 40 41496992
Description of the Organization

Help for Women in Africa, Asia and Latin America

The Marie Schlei Association was founded in 1984 in memory of Marie Schlei, the former German Minister for Development Policy. According to the statutes of this non-profit association, its objectives are "to promote cooperation with poor women, women's groups and organizations, to help educate and train women, to provide information about the causes of poverty and injustice and to promote equal rights for women. We inform the public about the situation of these women in order to raise and increase awareness as well as a feeling of responsibility and the willingness to help the women and therefore all people in the developing countries."

The Marie Schlei Association encourages women to create self-help projects. In the past two decades, about 300 projects have been successfully carried out in 45 different countries, from Argentina to Zimbabwe. All projects were planned and realized by local women's groups and organizations. In order for projects to be successful, the following criteria must be met: time schedules and curricula have to be adjusted to the women's daily routine. The projects have to be effective and applicable to everyday life in order to make the additional work bearable for the women. Cooking, child care, household chores, getting water and heating material – project work adds additional work to their daily responsibilities. Nevertheless, these women want and need these projects, since they offer them the only possible access to education and training and thus to their own income. Our female partners are responsible for "their projects and the management of the material required. The solidarity among women they experience also creates an atmosphere of partnership and mutual cooperation. The Marie Schlei Association works for equal opportunities and justice.

African Impulse

Name of the Organization
African Impulse

Ankerstrasse 8
47057 Duisburg

+49 203 3968 3991
Description of the Organization

African Impulse e. V. is a registered internationally operating, non-profit, independent non-governmental organization (NGO), which campaigns for a fairer world in which the North and South can cooperate, knowledge can be transferred, communities can be given the impulse to help themselves and children and the vulnerable can be empowered.