Interchange Programms

AFS Austria

Name of the Organization
AFS Austria

Maria-Theresien-Straße 9/6
A-1090 Wien

+43 01 3192520-0
Description of the Organization

AFS Austria is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization that provides intercultural learning opportunities to help people develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to create a more just and peaceful world.

dbXchange network

Name of the Organization
dbXchange network
CoCoon-Studio, TU Berlin

Strasse des 17. Juni 152
10623 Berlin

+49 30 31-29647
Description of the Organization


DesignBuild takes students from their studio desks into the physical world of human interactions and construction.

On this platform you can exchange information and knowledge about DesignBuild activities, promote your projects, organisation and your own expertise, search and offer literature, initiate collaboration, look for support, find answers to questions about pedagogy, logistics, liabilities, funding and construction.

Students, planners, employers, clients and users, researchers, teachers, politicians, entrepreneurs, donors, crafts-men, academics and non-academics are warmly welcome to join the dbXchange network. ... become a member!

This exchange platform and database is not reduced to north- south relations but open to all kind of fruitful learning cooperations in every direction.


YFU - German Youth For Understanding Committee

Name of the Organization
YFU - German Youth For Understanding Committee

Oberaltenallee 6
22081 Hamburg

+49 40 227002 -0
Description of the Organization

YFU is a non-profit student exchange program. They place students in over 30 countries and accommodate students from over 40 countries in Germany. For one year, students live with a host family and attend school.

Phoenix e. V.

Name of the Organization
Phoenix e. V.

Büsackerstraße 11
47179 Duisburg

+49 203 491555
Description of the Organization

In favour of a culture of understanding: What exactly is racism? How did it arise? How does it work? What can I do against it? What is my identity as a person of colour? What is a white identity in the battle against racism? We are searching for and giving answers to these questions. Our members are people of colour, black and white people from various countries in Asia, Africa and Europe.

To this end, we are offering individual counselling and training such as

  • black consciousness training
  • black empowerment training
  • anti-racism training
  • racism awareness training
  • hip hop training
  • seminars on intercultural competence

Additionally, our members are working on topics such as black and white identity, models of conflict resolution, development of ways of living based on equal rights in an environment of globalisation as well as interculturality and anti-racism activities.

Themes of the organization

RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg

Name of the Organization
RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg
Globales Lernen

Zum Jagenstein 1
14478 Potsdam

+49 331 74780-31
Description of the Organization

RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg - is a non-profit organization based in Potsdam. We manage six "Regionale Büros für Integration und Toleranz" (BIT) (regional offices for integration and open-mindedness) and four other offices as well as regional and local projects. In 2004, we established "Globales Lernen/Entwicklungszusammenarbeit" (global learning and cooperation for development). For us, global learning is about raising awareness of the world as a whole, of interrelations between North and South, and about relating our everyday life to the lives of people in developing countries. RAA is involved in an enormous variety of development-policy projects. We offer working groups, workshops, and training for teaching staff, and support schools in organizing workshops for students. Long-term projects include supporting school partnerships between schools in Brandenburg and schools in Senegal, Zanzibar/Tanzania and Angola, as well as smaller-scale initiatives. "Begegnungen mit Sansibar" (meeting Zanzibar) is a project that combines education and cooperation for development. Since 1992, more than 160 adolescents and teachers have been given the chance to gain deep insights into another culture and to help promote interactions between Germany and Tanzania, and more will follow. The project in Zanzibar encourages participants to closely examine both the foreign culture and their own. It includes such diverse activities as the building of classrooms, theater projects, thematic research, workshops, seminars and continuous education for teachers. In Germany, the results of this work are available as educational materials, thus enabling our partners from Tanzania to present their life and their views in Brandenburg. In addition, RAA is in charge of organizing and holding the "Brandenburger entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Informationstage" (Brandenburg educational and informational days on development aid) as well as the education program of the 'Berlin Import Shop' fair.

SODI - solidarity service international registered association

Name of the Organization
SODI - solidarity service international registered association
Education / Global Learning

Am Sudhaus 2
12053 Berlin

+49 30 9209093-18
Description of the Organization

The solidarity service international (Solidaritätsdienst International e. V.) is independent, party politics and ideological open. SODI stands up for a united, fair and peaceful world in which the natural resources are preserved.

In fair cooperation with women's organizations and trade union organizations, with municipal initiatives, church facilities and cooperatives SODI realizes for over 25 years of self-help projects in countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as East Europe and Southeast Europe.

An important component of the work in Germany is work of information and educational work on developing-political subjects. SODI is specialized in multimedia projects which sensitize above all young people, inform and motivate to exert themselves for a fair and sustainable world. From social transformation to global justice, lastingness and future ability is for SODI, on this occasion, a big concern. SODI takes part with an active engagement in civil-social networks and campaigns. SODI is recommended by the senate management for education, youth and science as a supplier of the global learning.

Carpus e. V.

Name of the Organization
Carpus e. V.

Straße der Jugend 33
03050 Cottbus

+49 355 499-4490
Description of the Organization

In collaboration with German and Filipino associations, the organisation aims to implement and support projects concerned with environmental education, conservation of species and resources, and development cooperation in order to facilitate sustainable society development.
The organisation's concern is to motivate others to act responsible with regard to the principle of sustainability and North-South equitability, as well as teaching the necessary skills.

Vétérinaires sans Frontières Belgium

Name of the Organization
Vétérinaires sans Frontières Belgium

Avenue des Arts 7-8
1210 Bruxelles

0032 2 539 09 89
Description of the Organization

Les vétérinaires se mobilisent pour aider les populations vivant dans les régions les plus pauvres du monde. Dans beaucoup de pays, le bétail est une source essentielle de nourriture de qualité. Et pourtant, la médecine vétérinaire est souvent inexistante, si bien que le danger d'épidémie n'est jamais très loin. Là-bas, si le troupeau est malade, c'est le village qui meurt. Voilà pourquoi l'aide médicale vétérinaire sur le terrain est une nécessité.

Depuis mars 2007, notre ONG en collaboration avec VSF France, SIVTRo-VSF-Italia et VETAID, mettent en place un projet d'éducation au développement (DEP) financé par la Commission Européenne. Programmé pour trois ans, ce projet vise à informer et sensibiliser les publiques étudiants (agronomes et vétérinaires), politiques et agricoles (les professionnels de l'agriculture) sur la problématique de l'agriculture paysanne dans une optique de relation Nord Sud en se nourrissant de l'expérience de VSF sur la terrain.

Themes of the organization