Global Food Systems – Sovereignty or Trade Rules – or Both
Global Food Systems – Sovereignty or Trade Rules –or Both
*event will be held in English
The seminar focuses on food security (SDG 2) and examines the global causes of nutritional inequalities. Despite sufficient food production, climate change, corruption, conflicts, and unstable markets lead to hunger and food shortages. A key approach is food sovereignty – the right to shape one's own agricultural and food policies independently of in- ternational trade rules.
To illustrate this, quinoa cultivation in Ecuador can be seen as an example, demonstrating how rising demand can lead to monocultures and negative consequences for growing regions. In contrast, solutions like the "La Via Campesina" initiative promote the independence of small-scale farmers, fair trade, and traditional farming methods.
The seminar invites participants to reflect on their responsibilities as consumers. Topics such as foodwaste in the Global North, post-harvest losses in the Global South, and resilient agricultural methods to increase productivity while preserving ecosystems will be the focus of discussions.