Development cooperation

RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg

Name of the Organization
RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg
Globales Lernen

Zum Jagenstein 1
14478 Potsdam

+49 331 74780-31
Description of the Organization

RAA - regional centers for foreigners' concerns, youth work and schools in the German state of Brandenburg - is a non-profit organization based in Potsdam. We manage six "Regionale Büros für Integration und Toleranz" (BIT) (regional offices for integration and open-mindedness) and four other offices as well as regional and local projects. In 2004, we established "Globales Lernen/Entwicklungszusammenarbeit" (global learning and cooperation for development). For us, global learning is about raising awareness of the world as a whole, of interrelations between North and South, and about relating our everyday life to the lives of people in developing countries. RAA is involved in an enormous variety of development-policy projects. We offer working groups, workshops, and training for teaching staff, and support schools in organizing workshops for students. Long-term projects include supporting school partnerships between schools in Brandenburg and schools in Senegal, Zanzibar/Tanzania and Angola, as well as smaller-scale initiatives. "Begegnungen mit Sansibar" (meeting Zanzibar) is a project that combines education and cooperation for development. Since 1992, more than 160 adolescents and teachers have been given the chance to gain deep insights into another culture and to help promote interactions between Germany and Tanzania, and more will follow. The project in Zanzibar encourages participants to closely examine both the foreign culture and their own. It includes such diverse activities as the building of classrooms, theater projects, thematic research, workshops, seminars and continuous education for teachers. In Germany, the results of this work are available as educational materials, thus enabling our partners from Tanzania to present their life and their views in Brandenburg. In addition, RAA is in charge of organizing and holding the "Brandenburger entwicklungspolitische Bildungs- und Informationstage" (Brandenburg educational and informational days on development aid) as well as the education program of the 'Berlin Import Shop' fair.

ICEP – Association for Global Development

Name of the Organization
ICEP – Association for Global Development

Möllwaldplatz 5
1040 Wien

+43 1 9690254
Description of the Organization

ICEP is an independent Austrian Development Association with a clear aim: to bring the people to the economy and the economy to the people.

ICEP advises partner organizations in developing countries and companies on the integration of poor people in economic cycles and implements worldwide projects.

ICEP offers the economy with the corporAID Initiative a platform for information, communication and mainstreaming their social responsibility and sets the global poverty fight on the agenda of Austrian companies.

ICEP wants to contribute as a private, independent developing organization to the creation of a better chance for people in developing countries to lead a self-determined life based on their own work and earnings.

ICEP is active in three areas:

  1. We implement projects with partners in developing countries that train and empower people.
  2. We motivate and advise companies, so that they can responsibly involve in developing countries.
  3. We are working to ensure that the development cooperation in Austria is economy-oriented and relevant.

Global Marshall Plan Foundation

Name of the Organization
Global Marshall Plan Foundation

Rosenstraße 2
20095 Hamburg

+49 40 82290 428
Description of the Organization

The Global Marshall Plan initiative gets on as an integrative platform for a world in balance. Consisting of a network from more than 5000 supporters from all levels of society, it gathers politics, economy and civil society with five core demands to a fairer globalization.

EADI - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes

Name of the Organization
EADI - European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes

Kaiser-Friedrich-Straße 11
53113 Bonn

+49 228 2618101
Description of the Organization

EADI, the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes, is the leading European network in the field of development research and training. EADI is a Europe-wide network of institutes, researchers and students of various disciplines in the field of development studies. It organises activities and offers facilities for the international exchange of knowledge and experience in the professional field. Its most prominent activity is a General Conference devoted to a topical issue every three years. The official languages of EADI are English and French. EADI is the prime professional association for development studies. As such it promotes: quality in research and education in development studies, the exchange of relevant information among members and with others, the strengthening of relevant knowledge networks at the regional and global level, and influencing both national and European decision-makers in the development cooperation field. EADI’s two objectives are, firstly, to generate and stimulate and exchange of information among European academics and researchers concerned with development issues and to develop contacts with researchers from other regions of the world. And secondly, to promote interdisciplinary studies on specific themes. EADI is financed by its members’ contributions, an institutional grant from the German government and other project-related subsidies and private donations. EADI receives core funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development (BMZ) and the Land North Rhine-Westphalia / City of Bonn.

SODI - solidarity service international registered association

Name of the Organization
SODI - solidarity service international registered association
Education / Global Learning

Am Sudhaus 2
12053 Berlin

+49 30 9209093-18
Description of the Organization

The solidarity service international (Solidaritätsdienst International e. V.) is independent, party politics and ideological open. SODI stands up for a united, fair and peaceful world in which the natural resources are preserved.

In fair cooperation with women's organizations and trade union organizations, with municipal initiatives, church facilities and cooperatives SODI realizes for over 25 years of self-help projects in countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America as well as East Europe and Southeast Europe.

An important component of the work in Germany is work of information and educational work on developing-political subjects. SODI is specialized in multimedia projects which sensitize above all young people, inform and motivate to exert themselves for a fair and sustainable world. From social transformation to global justice, lastingness and future ability is for SODI, on this occasion, a big concern. SODI takes part with an active engagement in civil-social networks and campaigns. SODI is recommended by the senate management for education, youth and science as a supplier of the global learning.

earthlink – people & nature network

Name of the Organization
earthlink – people & nature network

Frohschammerstraße 14
80807 München

+49 89 35652102
Description of the Organization

With partners around the globe, earthlink specifically works for harmony between man and nature. Together with the local population, we create strategies and methods to improve the living conditions of the poor and to protect the environment. earthlink maintains socially sustainable and nature-friendly development in the context of concrete projects on site through public relations in Germany and Europe and through global networks. The involvement of locals is an important aspect for ensuring long-term success.

Brücke • Le pont

Name of the Organization
Brücke • Le pont

Rue St-Pierre 12
1700 Freiburg

+41 26 425515-1
Description of the Organization

The Program “Arbeit in Würde“ supports and accompanies Brücke Le pont with 35 development projects for  discriminated for people in the countries Togo, Benin, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Bolivia and Brazil.

Education and support of the independency are the foundations of a sustainable development. People should be able to make a living from their work and to take responsibility for family and society. They need profitable or fairly paid work and just working conditions for it.For that they need profitable or fairly paid jobs and just working conditions for it.

Brücke Le pont have been focusing on the following points:

  • Income support
  • Professional education
  • Support of labour laws

The projects promote mainly adults, but also teenagers and children. They contribute to the parents so that they can take care of their children, and promote the equal rights of woman and man. Brücke Le pont works mostly together with small and local organizations. They are close to the target population and know the social, cultural and political relations on site very well. Brücke Le pont thinks highly of the fact that in the projects participative and locally adapted methods are being applied and that the cooperation is maintained on networks. This creates synergies and raises the effectiveness. Education is the foundation of development. It strengthens the self-esteem of the people and provides the necessary knowledge for them to perform a good and profitable work.

Light for the world

Name of the Organization
Light for the world

Niederhofstraße 26
1120 Wien

+43 1 8101300
Description of the Organization

Light for the world is an international organization that focuses on development projects for blind persons and persons with disabilities in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Southeastern Europe. Light for the world works together with local partners, eye health clinics and disabled peoples organizations.

CO-OPERAID – Education for children in Africa and Asia

Name of the Organization
CO-OPERAID – Education for children in Africa and Asia

Kornhausstraße 49
CH-8042 Zürich

+41 44 3635787
Description of the Organization

CO-OPERAID is a humanitarian Swiss association with its headquarters in Zurich. CO-OPERAIDis engaged in the international children’s right to education. Our projects in East Africa and Asiahelp impoverished children and young people with education and professional education. The aim of the projects is basic education for all children and the promotion of secondary and vocational education. At the same time the economic situation of the children’s and young people’s families is improved.