
Climate Alliance Austria

Name of the Organization
Climate Alliance Austria

Prinz-Eugen-Straße 72/1.5
1040 Wien

+43 1 5815881-0
Description of the Organization

The Climate Alliance is a global partnership between more than 1,500 European cites and the indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest area for the protection of the world's climate. In Austria, all of the federal states and more than 530 cities are involved. They have volunteered to commit themselves to reduce their CO2 emissions by half by the year 2010, and they are also supporting their partners in the Amazon region in their work to preserve the rainforest. 200 companies and over 70 schools are also members of the alliance. Apart from ecologocal aspects, the Austrian Climate Alliance is also aware of social interactions such as the unfair distribution of resources and opportunities.

Themes of the organization

KOO - Koordinierungsstelle der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz für internationale Entwicklung und Mission

Name of the Organization
KOO - Koordinierungsstelle der Österreichischen Bischofskonferenz für internationale Entwicklung und Mission

Türkenstr. 3
A 1090 Wien

+43 1 3170321

ENSA - EINE WELT Netzwerk Sachsen-Anhalt e. V.

Name of the Organization
ENSA - EINE WELT Netzwerk Sachsen-Anhalt e. V.

Johannisstraße 18
06844 Dessau-Roßlau

+49 340 2301122

BEI - Bündnis Eine Welt Schleswig-Holstein e. V.

Name of the Organization
BEI - Bündnis Eine Welt Schleswig-Holstein e. V.

Sophienblatt 100
24114 Kiel

+49 431 679399-00
Description of the Organization

The BEI was established in 1994 as an umbrella association for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in order to set the stage for more coordinated and co-operative development projects. The BEI's main objective is to create a network and provide assistance for the development projects of its 65 associated member organizations. These organizations focus on different aspects of development policy-related work and have different political approaches to achieve solidarity in our "One World." Their main objectives include:

  • to promote education on development policy, public relations and intercultural communication in Schleswig-Holstein
  • to support the Human Rights Movement and the Emancipation Movement in developing countries
  • to co-operate in development projects with partner organizations in developing countries - to promote Fair Trade
  • to support the Agenda 21 goals
  • to provide information about the countries of origin of immigrants and refugees, reasons for migration and refugee flows, and racism
  • to promote environment and climate protection

The BEI aims to establish a network for these different One World projects, which are carried out by full time and voluntary workers. The association wants to provide support and training for the involved partners, and aims to represent their and its own development policy concerns in terms of political and administrative issues. The BEI's work is based on the concept of Sustainable Development, which combines ecological, economic and social issues. This concept makes changes necessary both in the North and in the South. In this context ecological issues are as important as the development concepts, because they are mutually dependent.

In different projects and events the BEI functions as a facilitator of co-operation among its associated member organizations, other local development networks or initiatives, and organizations concerned with different aspects of development policy-related work. In Germany the BEI is co-operating on a federal level with the Platform of the German One World Regional Networks (agl) and the Association of German Development NGOs (VENRO).

CHAT between WORLDS - Engagement Global gGmbH

Name of the Organization
CHAT between WORLDS - Engagement Global gGmbH

Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 40
53113 Bonn

+49 228 20717-724
Description of the Organization

*What is CHAT between WORLDS?*
CHAT between WORLDS combines global learning with digital media. The programme is designed to address the perspectives of various target groups living in Asia, Africa, Latin America, or Southeast Europe: School classes and individuals can exchange experiences with students in Germany through online communication. That way, CHAT between the WORLDS overcomes geographical distances and offers the opportunity for authentic and personal encounters. School classes of all school types with students from the age of 10 can take part.

*What does a virtual exchange look like?*
At CHAT between WORLDS, there are two forms of CHATs: peer-to-peer CHATs and expert CHATs. During peer-to-peer CHATs, children and young people get in touch with school classes in Germany. While during expert CHATs, professionals share their expertise with students in Germany online. Depending on time differences and local internet connections, the virtual exchange can take place via live stream or via video messages. Before each CHAT, participants are prepared for the CHAT topic using methods of Global Learning. Both the content of the exchange and the rules of conduct during the CHAT are drawn up in advance. Through question and answer sessions, the participants learn with and from each other. However, other forms of digital experiences are also possible: For example, a digital scavenger hunt, a jointly designed online pin board, or a cooking campaign across the globe. The common languages of the virtual exchange are French, English, Spanish or German.
After the CHAT, the participants reflect on the knowledge and impressions they gained during the CHAT. The students are encouraged to think about their own courses of action, plan their own projects and subsequently implement them independently.

*Who is organizing CHAT between WORLDS?*
CHAT between WORLDS is implemented by five civil organisations in seven federal states of Germany (Baden-Wuerttemberg, Brandenburg, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia). CHAT between WORLDs is coordinated by Engagement Global gGmbH with funds from the Ministry of economic Cooperation and Development.

Themes of the organization