
ijgd - International Youth Community Services

ijgd - International Youth Community Services
Geschäftsstelle Berlin

Glogauer Straße 21
10999 Berlin

+49 30 61203130
Description of the Organization

IJGD stands for International Youth Community Services. It is a non-profit organisation working in the field of international youth work and political education. Since 1949, IJGD has been active throughout Germany as an organisation independent from any religious or political party and recognised by the state authorities. The aim of IJGD is to forward young people's awareness of social conditions and to support the development of a feeling of social responsibility. The work of IJGD thus includes the promotion of international understanding and the reduction of prejudice between people of different nations, social backgrounds, religions and political ideas. We organise workcamps, international youth meetings, youth holiday periods in Germany, Europe and overseas as well as different trainings and seminars as further education.

In addition, IJGD is in charge of different long-term voluntary services such as the voluntary social service (FSJ), the voluntary ecological service (FÖJ) and the voluntary heritage service (FJD).

The Berlin part of IJGD, IJGD LV Berlin, has a specific focus on intercultural and inter-generation projects. In the field of the European Voluntary Service (EVS), IJGD Berlin is involved as a sending and hosting organisation. As part of our pilote project ‘voluntary services in socially deprived areas', ijgd Berlin has a growing number of EVS-placements in Berlin in socially deprived areas. This pilote project aims to further social inclusion, intercultural learning and to support small non-profit organisations and initiatives. As a sending organisation we send young German volunteers from Berlin and ist surroundings for longterm voluntary services to Europe in the frame work of EVS.

IJGD Berlin also organises midterm voluntary services in Africa, Asia and Latinamerika.

Themes of the organization

Partner countries

My German - University -

My German - University -
c/o Beehive

Steinstraße 5-7
20095 Hamburg

+49 40 60773810
Description of the Organization

MyGermanUniversity is a platform that helps international students on their way to studying at a German university, free of charge, through:

  • Germany's largest database of English-language degree programmes (over 2,100 Bachelor's and Master's degrees).
  • more than 150 free webinars on all relevant topics, including applications, scholarships, Uni-Assist, visas and weekly subject webinars
  • over 75 comprehensive articles on all relevant topics

Themes of the organization

Partner countries

CISV Onlus - Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato Onlus

CISV Onlus - Comunità Impegno Servizio Volontariato Onlus

Corso Chieri 121/6
10132 Torino TO

+39 011 8993823

German AFS Intercultural Programs

German AFS Intercultural Programs

Friedensallee 48
22765 Hamburg

+49 40 399222-38
Description of the Organization

AFS International is one of the world's most experienced and largest non-profit providers of youth exchange and intercultural learning. Originally founded by volunteer ambulance drivers, the American Field Service has grown over the past 70 years into a global community with over 60 country organisations and partners.In addition to school exchanges and volunteer service, we also offer our volunteers a wide range of education and training. We also offer workshops in schools on the topics of racism, sustainability and intercultural learning.

Mission One World Neuendettelsau

Mission One World Neuendettelsau
Department for Development and Politics

Hauptstraße 2
91564 Neuendettelsau

+49 9874 9-0
Description of the Organization

The KED was founded in 1970 by the Lutheran Church of Bavaria with its main focus on promoting education on development policy in Bavaria. The KED`s educational work focuses on helping people understand the structures and relations that exist in our globalized world. It also tries to contribute to the creation of a just and more humane society according to the idea of One World. The KED`s aim is to make people
aware of the problems and the potential of their partners all over the world in order to enable them to act on the basis of greater awareness.

Providing information and promoting education through:

  • A library and database related to development policy on the Internet.
  • The lending of books, magazines, brochures, educational and adult education material on topics related to global learning (slides, videos, CD-ROMS, games dealing with development policy, boxes with information material about Brazil, oranges, cocoa, toys, soccer, coffee.)
  • The lending of fully prepared exhibitions (People Without Land movement in Brazil; interactive coffee tour; AIDS – let`s get away from pigeonholing.)
  • Advice and continuing education for professionals.
  • Seminars, lectures, presentations, talks and discussions on issues related to development policy.
  • Activities and information desks at church events, local church congresses, and similar events.
  • Study assistance program for foreign students (STUBE - Studienbegleitprogramm).
  • Work related to Brazil: assistance for the partnership work in Bavaria.

Cooperation with initiatives and networks:

  • Koalition gegen Straflosigkeit (alliance against impunity). Justice and truth for the victims of the Argentinian military dictatorship.
  • Fair Play / Fair Toys – humane working conditions in the toy industry.
  • Clean Clothes Campaign – humane working conditions in the textile industry.
  • Development needs debt relief –
  • Fair Handeln Bayern (Fair Trade Bavaria).
  • Eine Welt Netzwerk Bayern (One World network Bavaria).
  • Landesarbeitskreis Bayern "Schule für Eine Welt" (Bavarian state network: "school for One World").
  • Runder Tisch "Globales Lernen" (global learning).

Public relations work:

  • Biennial newsletter,
  • Biennial supplement in the Bavarian Sunday newspapers
  • Regular email newsletter.

Financial assistance for projects and financing of activities related to development policy in Bavaria.

International program for volunteers:
Going abroad for one year. Ecumenical learning in Latin America. Program for volunteers between 18 and 27 years of age.

Themes of the organization

Partner countries

UWC - United World Colleges Germany

UWC - United World Colleges Germany
German UWC Foundation

Linienstraße 151
10115 Berlin

+49 30 47374757
Description of the Organization

Students from over 120 different nations, aged 16 to 19, selected exclusively on the basis of aptitude (talent, commitment, motivation), live and learn together at one of the thirteen United World Colleges for the last two school years until they graduate from high school. The colleges are located in Wales, Norway, Italy, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, India, the Netherlands, Swaziland, Venezuela, Costa Rica and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Partner countries

SIGN OF LIFE! - Society for Threatened Peoples Austria (GFBVÖ)

SIGN OF LIFE! - Society for Threatened Peoples Austria (GFBVÖ)

Angertorstraße 1C
2070 Retz

+43 664 388 1 883

Partner countries