
FIS - Fairtrade Initiative Saarbrücken

Name of the Organization
FIS - Fairtrade Initiative Saarbrücken
Additional info
c/o Peter Weichardt / Heike Zimmermann

Schumannstrasse 34
66111 Saarbrücken

+49 6893 801855
Description of the Organization

FAIR for all generations FAIR education - Our campaigns are aimed at schools, kindergartens and day-care centres (Kitas), extracurricular actors in the greater Saarbrücken area and Saarland University. Several "Fair Kitas", "Fairtrade Schools" and "Fairtrade Universities" from the greater Saarbrücken area have already been awarded. School classes and courses from the Saarbrücken region have already received the award "Fair School Class - Fair Trade Class" more than 100 times. Through our young "Fair Trade Ambassadors" as multipliers and through our wide-ranging commitment, we reach a broad public. The guiding principle of our network is Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).

Schulwälder für Westafrika - School Forests for West Africa

Name of the Organization
Schulwälder für Westafrika - School Forests for West Africa
Additional info
c/o Dr. Sam Essiamah

Brauweg 53
37073 Göttingen

49 551 71796
Description of the Organization

The association "Schulwälder für Westafrika e. V." (School Forests for West Africa) - together with the "Youth and Environment Club" in Ghana - works for the preservation of the rainforest and for a climate-friendly and healthy environment. In order to inspire pupils in Germany and Ghana for nature and its protection, the association arranges partner schools between the two countries. In this way, pupils and teachers from Germany and Ghana can work together for the forest/rainforest. Practical action promotes sustainability education and a sense of responsibility for people in other countries. In addition, pupils learn to dedicate themselves to a project in the long term. While pupils in Ghana plant and maintain trees for shady places in their schoolyards with the motto "solar lamps/ football as an incentive for tree planting", pupils in Germany start tree planting in different places. In connection with global learning, the pupils can exchange information about the living conditions in the respective other country, e.g. these topics: Climate protection (tree planting/forestation of the forest or rainforest/tree nursery), biodiversity (animals and plants), energy (solar lamps with the possibility of charging the mobile phone), health and poverty (solar lamps instead of paraffin lamps), education (computer centre in Nyakrom, environmental education materials for primary schools), climate (including seasons), consumption of resources (trees as firewood), conservation of resources (chains made of recycled paper), consumption (clothing, food and housing), children's rights.

ESE - Ethnology in schools and adult education

Name of the Organization
ESE - Ethnology in schools and adult education

Studtstraße 21
48149 Münster

+49 251 8327318
Description of the Organization

Shaping diversity with intercultural competence - this is the principle of the association Ethnologie in Schule und Erwachsenenbildung (ESE) e.V. (Ethnology in Schools and Adult Education), which was founded in 1992 by ethnologists and educators.

The basis for ESE's work is the scientific examination of approaches to teaching intercultural competence, intercultural education and intercultural upbringing, as well as the processing of ethnological material in order to be able to convey scientifically sound information about other cultures and about mechanisms of intercultural understanding in a way that is understandable to lay people.

With our offer in adult education, we address all people who have contact with people from different cultures in their everyday life and work and who would like more background information and competence to act.

In children's and youth education, we offer intercultural and global learning for different subject areas. Our units are suitable for project days, holiday programmes or short teaching units.

BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN - Landesverband Hamburg

Name of the Organization
BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN - Landesverband Hamburg

Burchardstraße 21
20095 Hamburg

+49 40 399252-0

Forum Menschenrechte - Forum Human Rights

Name of the Organization
Forum Menschenrechte - Forum Human Rights

Haus der Demokratie und Menschenrechte
Greifswalder Straße 4
10405 Berlin

+49 30 42021771
Description of the Organization

Forum Human Rights  is a network of more than 50 German non-governmental organizations (NGOs) who are committed to better and more comprehensive protection of human rights - worldwide, in specific regions of the world, within countries and also within the Federal Republic of Germany. The Forum was established in 1994 following the International Human Rights Conference in Vienna.

Our objectives:

  • to monitor critically the human rights policy of the German Government and the German Bundestag (parliament) at both the national and international level;
  • to implement joint projects with the aim of improving the protection of human rights worldwide;
  • to create an awareness about human rights issues amongst the German public at large, to draw attention, when required, to human rights violations in Germany and to work for their resolution;
  • to guarantee an exchange of all relevant informations on human rights issues between the member organizations;
  • to support local, regional and national NGOs in the international aspects of their work and to promote an international network of NGOs in general.

Various working groups of the Forum are responsible for preparing joint statements and information material and for organizing campaigns, public meetings and forums of experts. The FORUM MENSCHENRECHTE is closely cooperating with NGOs at both the European and international level. FMR-activities are coordinated by a board of maximum eight persons elected by the affiliates of the Forum,
representing the entire spectrum of member organizations.

The Forum funds its activities throughcontributions from its affiliated organizations.

Frauen*solidarität - Solidarity Among Women

Name of the Organization
Frauen*solidarität - Solidarity Among Women
Additional info
im C3 - Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung

Sensengasse 3
1090 Wien

+43 1 3174020
Description of the Organization

Information Work with Women in Africa, Asia and Latin America



Name of the Organization

Monbijoustraße 31
3011 Bern

+41 31 3210021
Description of the Organization

We support teachers in Switzerland at all levels in their daily work by giving them impulses for their lessons which are directed towards a viable development in a global society. We sell and lend over 800 tried and tested teaching aids in German, French and Italian language. We provide teacher training. We inform and advise with relation to Global Education. We are part of a network of national and international organisations having similar aims.
